With Atom 1.0 out, a revised list of handy plugins I’ve found for the Atom text editor.

  • save-session - Remember unsaved buffers when you kill and restart Atom - an essential feature if you’re coming from Sublime.
  • valign - ctrl-\ to vertically align assignments. You can configure the hotkey in keymap.cson:

          'ctrl-cmd-a': 'vertical-align:align.
  • color-picker
    • shift-cmd-c to edit HTML colors.
  • linter-coffeelint - Highlight problems in coffee-script. Add a coffeelint.json file to your project to change settings. Note that this needs linter installed to work.
  • atom-monokai - The monokai color theme (should be familiar if you’re a Sublime user.)
  • pigments - Show web colors in background of file.

Update: more suggestions from Mac Pham: